Interviews & Talks

Interviews about QHHT, Organ donation, Mental Health, and more.

Interview with Risha Yorke Part 1

The podcast My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen with Risha Yorke explores many modalities and methods that offer help for those with Super Type A personalities. Risha has a 9 week program of the same name through Yorke Motivational Consulting. In this Interview, Risha and Beth discuss the benefits of QHHT and the process involved in a session as well as examples taken from clients of what is possible!

Interview with Risha Yorke Part 2

The podcast My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen with Risha Yorke explores many modalities and methods that offer help for those with Super Type A personalities. Risha has a 9 week program of the same name through Yorke Motivational Consulting. Part 2 of the Interview, Risha and Beth continue to discuss the benefits of QHHT and the process involved in a session as well as examples taken from clients of what is possible!

Organ Donation TEDx

In this TEDx, How Everyone Can be a Superhero, Beth leads the discussion by showing the statistics in Canada and other countries, the realities of how many registered donors it actually takes to meet the need for organs, and finally about her own experience as an anonymous live organ donor. Beth Grixti is a volunteer with Muskoka Gift of Life, bringing information about organ donation to the public. Beth also shares her experience as an anonymous living liver donor.

Organ Donation Interviews

Kathleen May interviews Beth for Herstories on YourTV

Yvonne Heath interview for Real Life Talks on Rogers TV

Podcast Interview

Interview for the Hunters Bay Radio podcast Humans Being Well with James Bowler Beth shares her personal mental health journey.

Content warning: Some discussion of S.A.